
Morning Consult Counter/Consensus: Global Political Briefing, October 3, 2024

October 3, 2024 edition
October 03, 2024 at 5:00 am UTC

Morning Consult Counter/Consensus is a biweekly briefing that leverages our global analysis and Political Intelligence data to spotlight counter-consensus takes on major (geo)political developments, and affirm consensus views on issues for which data has been scarce in public discourse or otherwise adds value. The briefing is intended to facilitate corporate scenario planning, market and asset price forecasting, and public sector decision-making. Clients are welcome to reach out directly with questions.

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Key Takeaways

  • Israel (Counter): Netanyahu’s Lebanon gambit has given him a bounce, but underlying societal dissatisfaction makes it unstable

  • Lebanon attacks (Counter): Israeli pager-bomb and walkie-talkie attacks have not drawn the global public’s ire

  • Austria (Counter): Supporters of Austria’s victorious hard-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) don’t think they’re on the far right

1.  Israel (Counter)

Still Mister Security.  Many predicted that Netanyahu’s political career would be an additional casualty of Hamas’ attacks on Israel last Oct. 7. But his recent bold pivot to broadening the offensive to Lebanon-based Hezbollah may have given him some breathing room. Tit-for-tat attacks accelerated from July onwards with Israel’s assassination of Hezbollah commander Fouad Shukr, Hezbollah’s retaliatory rocket attack, Israel’s pager attack, and most importantly the recent killing of Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah’s senior leader.  Our data shows both the dip preceding these developments and the subsequent rebound: Remarkably,  Netanyahu is currently polling only slightly below where he was prior to Oct 7.

Israel: Leader approval

Net approval of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu among adults
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Source: Morning Consult Political Intelligence. Data points represent a 7-day simple moving average of daily surveys. Gold line represents a 30-day simple moving average.

But we think the narrative that Netanyahu’s political fortunes have completely reversed is premature. Despite Netanyahu’s personal rebound, Israelis are far from regaining optimism about the course their country is on, as measured by the net share of adults who say Israel is headed in the right direction (chart below). We would typically expect to see this metric rebound on the heels of a major political event in tandem with approval of the leader. While this broader metric did see a slight rebound in July with the killing of Hamas leader Shukr and the operations against Hezbollah, it began to dip again in mid August and September, and at roughly -55 on a 30-day rolling average basis, is near a tracking low compared with the last several years.

Israel: Country trajectory

Net right direction among adults
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Source: Morning Consult Political Intelligence. Data points represent a 7-day simple moving average of daily surveys. Gold line represents a 30-day simple moving average.

While Netanyahu may be riding relatively high right now, given the underlying societal gloom inferred from our right direction metric, any misstep could lose him his current moment of grace. Iran’s missile attack on Oct. 1 — a shot across the bow warning of the possibility of a direct conflict — will necessarily up the ante at a time when our data suggests many Israelis seem to consider Netanyahu the leader they need, rather than the leader who can give them the Israel they want. 

2.  Lebanon Attacks (Counter)

Mixed messages. Diplomatic repudiation of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was on full display during his United Nations General Assembly speech last week, which came just days after a series of Israeli attacks targeting Hezbollah militants in Lebanon. But Israel’s initial pager-bomb and walkie-talkie attacks on Lebanese soil, and others that followed, have not drawn the global public’s ire, at least not more so than the country has already done. Average net favorability of Israel has remained relatively flat in the window surrounding the attacks (first chart below); nor have we seen a shift in preference intensity (second chart below), though the share with uncertain views of Israel increased modestly following the initial attacks. The far smaller number of civilian casualties to date compared with the conflict in Gaza, along with limited public familiarity with Hezbollah or simply conflict attention fatigue, are all possible explanations for this “dog that didn’t bark” scenario.

Global views: Favorability toward Israel

Global average net favorability among adults
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Source: Morning Consult Political Intelligence. Data points represent 7-day moving averages of daily surveys across all countries in which we track views of Israel, excluding views among Israelis. Net favorability is the share of respondents holding favorable views minus the share holding unfavorable views.

Global views: Favorability toward Israel

Global average favorability among adults
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Source: Morning Consult Political Intelligence. Data points represent 7-day simple moving averages of daily surveys across all countries in which we track views of Israel, excluding views among Israelis.

At the same time, public sympathy toward Hamas remains deeply negative with no improvement, underscoring that while global populations may exhibit deep sympathy for Palestinians, their support does not extend to militant organizations like Hamas, and presumably Hezbollah.

In the context of the ongoing conflict with Hamas, all of this points toward a business-as-usual scenario, with the conflict in Lebanon doing little to put further pressure on Israel from a reputational perspective. There is a possibility this could change in the coming days: Our data shows very preliminary signs of a possible downturn in net favorability toward Israel amid its just-launched ground incursion into southern Lebanon, but it remains too early to say whether the shift in sentiment will prove meaningful. Barring a substantial increase in civilian casualties, we don’t anticipate it will. 

For U.S. companies doing business in the region, and who remain worried about negative repercussions (e.g. additional boycotts) arising from newly worsening views of America amid its ongoing military support for Israel, we have yet to see such risks materialize in our data: Regional average net favorability of America in the Middle East is largely trending sideways amid the conflict with Hezbollah. But it remains substantially depressed relative to September 2023, suggesting conflict-related corporate risks persist. See our Global U.S. Reputation Tracker for the latest available data on this front when it updates later this month.

3.  Austria (Counter)

Mirror mirror. The FPÖ came out on top in Austria’s Sept. 29 elections, provisionally scoring 28.9% of the vote and sparking another round of self-reflection in Europe about the continent’s turn to the political right. The party is a clear example of a European far-right party. Some of its founders were Nazi party members and were in the SS. Parlgov’s database ranking parties on a 10-point left-right spectrum, with 10 being the furthest right, has the FPÖ at 8.3 (Germany’s AfD is at 8.8 and France’s National Rally is at 9.3). 

The election result itself is hardly a surprise. Our data has seen more Austrians citing the FPÖ as the party that most closely aligns with their own views all year, and the share doing so has steadily crept upward.


The FPÖ’s win was unsurprising

Shares of Austrian adults saying each party has views closest to their own
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Source: Morning Consult Political Intelligence. Data points represent a 7-day simple moving average of daily surveys.

But the party’s adherents are either too shy to cop to being far-right ideologues themselves, or genuinely don’t view themselves that way. A majority of Austrians identifying the party as having views closest to their own over the last 90 days nevertheless said that they were centrists or just right of center, corresponding to values of 4 and 5 in the chart below. 

FPÖ adherents view themselves as largely center right

Self-identified political ideology of Austrians who identify with the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) on a 7-point scale
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Surveys conducted daily Jul. 1 - Oct. 1, 2023, among a representative sample of 11,965 Austrian adults, 3,020 of whom said the FPÖ had views closest to their own, with an unweighted margin of error of +/-2 percentage points. Figures may not add up to 100% due to rounding.

There is probably a bit of both willful denial of their true views and a genuine political misalignment between views of Austrians who voted for the FPÖ and those of the party itself. On the former, we see a similar trend of hesitancy to identify as far right among German and Dutch respondents, who tend to be more reticent in expressing strong opinions. In Germany at least, there is also still a very strong cultural taboo against identifying as right wing, dating from the Nazi period. Adherents of Germany’s far-right AfD, for example, are still quite hesitant to claim such political views themselves, with only 16% doing so — a share in line with what we see in Austria. Compare this to France, where the traditional taboo of espousing far-right views seems to be well and truly broken after recent E.U. parliamentary and snap national elections. Over half of those saying they support National Rally also say that they themselves have far-right views. Much like in France, it is also highly uncertain if the FPÖ will enter government, or if other parties will band together to shut them out. 

Supporters of France’s National Rally Are Unabashedly Far Right

Self-identified political ideology of French adults who identify with the National Rally (RN) on a 7-point scale
Source: Morning Consult Political Intelligence. Surveys conducted daily Jul. 1 - Oct. 1, 2024, among a representative sample of 32,847 French adults, 9,207 of whom said RN had views closest to their own, with an unweighted margin of error of +/-1 percentage points. Figures may not add up to 100% due to rounding.

Austria is culturally and historically more similar to Germany than France, providing a partial explanation for Austrians’ reluctance to claim extreme views. However, in previous research we also noted that across Europe, it appears to be disillusionment with the high cost of living, perceived out-of-control immigration, and out-of-touch elites that has driven otherwise centrist voters into the arms of the far right. There is a major gap in almost every country between those who support a far-right party, and those who identify as far right themselves. Europe’s center right, take note. 

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A headshot photograph of Sonnet Frisbie
Sonnet Frisbie
Deputy Head of Political Intelligence

Sonnet Frisbie is the deputy head of political intelligence and leads Morning Consult’s geopolitical risk offering for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Prior to joining Morning Consult, Sonnet spent over a decade at the U.S. State Department specializing in issues at the intersection of economics, commerce and political risk in Iraq, Central Europe and sub-Saharan Africa. She holds an MPP from the University of Chicago.

Follow her on Twitter @sonnetfrisbie. Interested in connecting with Sonnet to discuss her analysis or for a media engagement or speaking opportunity? Email [email protected].

A headshot photograph of Jason McMann
Jason McMann
Head of Political Intelligence

Jason I. McMann leads geopolitical risk analysis at Morning Consult. He leverages the company’s high-frequency survey data to advise clients on how to integrate geopolitical risk into their decision-making. Jason previously served as head of analytics at GeoQuant (now part of Fitch Solutions). He holds a Ph.D. from Princeton University’s Politics Department. Follow him on Twitter @jimcmann. Interested in connecting with Jason to discuss his analysis or for a media engagement or speaking opportunity? Email [email protected].

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