Morning Consult | The Female Quotient Partnership Survey on Familiarity with Male and Female Leaders and Comfort with AI

Key Takeaways
Reported awareness of female leaders across industries and eras is significantly lower than that of adjacent male leaders.
Adults who report awareness of these leaders are better at accurately identifying male leaders’ respective fields than female leaders’ respective fields.
Over half of adults (52%) report that they learned more about male leaders than female leaders in school.
Half of adults report they are aware of how AI systems learn, but about three-quarters of adults (74%) report concern with bias in how AI systems are learning.
Data Downloads
To look at the full list of questions and responses by U.S. adults overall, download the data files above — available in PDF and Excel format.
This survey, which asked about familiarity with male and female leaders, as well as knowledge about and comfort with AI, was conducted between Oct. 6-8, 2023, among a sample of 2,209 U.S. adults. The interviews were conducted online, and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of U.S. adults based on age, gender, race, educational attainment, region, gender by age and race by educational attainment. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of +/-2 percentage points.
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