The Global Vaccine Tracker
Morning Consult conducted over 75,000 weekly interviews across the globe on the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, providing deep insights at a granular level into which countries are most and least opposed to vaccinations, and what factors are driving skepticism. The latest data is based on surveys conducted in 15 countries between March 7-13, 2023, with 24,968 interviews in the United States and between 1,561 and 4,602 interviews in the other 14 countries.
View our in-depth U.S. tracker.
In order to gauge vaccination rates and interest, Morning Consult asked adults in each country “Have you gotten the vaccine, or not?” Respondents could reply “Yes,” “No, but I will get it in the future,” “No, and I am not sure if I will get it in the future” or “No, and I do not plan to get it.”
This tracker is no longer being updated. Explore more coverage on COVID-19 and vaccines here.
The U.S. Has a Lower Vaccination Rate Than Any Other Country Tracked Besides Russia
Based on surveys conducted in 15 countries between March 7-13, 2023, with 24,968 interviews in the United States and between 1,561 and 4,602 interviews in the 14 other countries.
Most Countries Have Seen Vaccine Skepticism Flatline
Between September 2021 and May 2023, rates of vaccine skepticism across the globe have remained relatively stable. But since mid-April 2021, the share of vaccine skeptics has fallen by 8 percentage points in the United States and by an average of 18.5 points in the other 14 countries.
Source of This Data
In a given week, Morning Consult conducted around 30,000 interviews in the United States and between 2,000 to 5,000 surveys in each other country on the vaccine rollout, among nationally representative samples of adults. (In India, the sample is representative of the literate population.) All interviews were conducted online.
Surveys are weighted in each country by age, gender, region, and, in certain countries, education breakdowns based on official government sources. In the United States, surveys are also weighted by race and ethnicity.
Respondents complete these surveys in languages appropriate for their countries. Professional translation firms in each country conduct the translation and localization.
About Morning Consult
Morning Consult is a global decision intelligence company changing how modern leaders make smarter, faster, better decisions. The company pairs its proprietary high-frequency data with applied artificial intelligence to better inform decisions on what people think and how they will act. Learn more at
Special thanks to Peyton Shelburne for her assistance with this project.
Email [email protected] to speak with a member of the Morning Consult team.
Justine Coleman is a digital producer at Morning Consult.
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